🤏 tinyspec

Submitted for Lospec Jam 2.

This is a demo, an animation powered by code. It's a program that contains over 90 seconds of intricate animation with music.

I'm not kidding: tinyspec is 🤏 tiny! It's less than 8 KiB, or 8192 bytes. This animation is so small, it's smaller than some of the non-moving art entries to this jam. Don't believe me? Download the cartridge below (tinyspec.uw8) and run it at https://exoticorn.github.io/microw8/v0.3.0/!

What can you do in 8 kilobytes?


"A" button → "Z" on QWERTY keyboard


By Beaver Team:

  • Silverchase: code and music
  • Tangerine: art

Floppy disk art by Tangerine, used under CC BY 4.0. Changed by Silverchase to add to the floppy disk label.

Made on MicroW8.


tinyspec.uw8 7.8 kB

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